Bett UK

21-23 January 2026

Bett Brasil

28 April - 1 May 2025

Bett Asia

Warning for Exhibitors – Unofficial Contractors

Warning for Exhibitors – Unofficial Contractors

Please also note that unfortunately there are many suppliers out there that data-scrape our show websites and contact exhibitors posing as official contractors of Hyve Group Limited, in particular:

Hotel agencies: Trade Show Housing & Convention Housing Service
Show Guide Companies: Expo-Guide, Fair guide & International Fairs Directory
As well as other companies selling staffing agencies,  AV suppliers, stand contractors & graphics suppliers.

Expo-Guide and claim to provide services to exhibitors at events. Both companies use a misleading form, which resembles an organiser’s Free Catalogue Listing Service, inviting exhibitors to sign and return the form for an entry in an on-line directory. Doing so contracts the purchaser into the three-year, non-retractable agreement. Non-payment is then followed by aggressive debt collecting by Premium Recovery.

Neither companies are an official supplier of any exhibition organised by Hyve Group Limited. If either of these companies contact you and they claim to be working with any of our shows, we would suggest that you do not progress the conversation any further, and that you contact us immediately to inform us of the approach.

You can find further information about Expo-Guide and on the Association of Event Organiser's website.

If you fall victim to this fraud:

The AEO advise to IGNORE THEM COMPLETELY, and not communicate with them in any way. Writing letters simply confirms that you exist and are available at the address/email address/number they have for you, and therefore payment can be pursued.

1) Report it to your local trading standards


3) DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THE SCAMMERS even when they threaten legal action

4) Optional: Complain to the receiving bank that their client Expo Guide (or equivalent), is obtaining money by deception.

These organisations have also been known to use debt recovery agencies, the same advice stands for these agencies.

If you have any concerns about the legitimacy of suppliers who get in touch with you, please feel free to contact us anytime.

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