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11 Jul 2024

The Creative Catalyst in Every Classroom with Canva’s Petia Maximova - S1E6

The Creative Catalyst in Every Classroom with Canva’s Petia Maximova - S1E6

Is a student born creative, or can creativity be taught? 

It’s a challenging question, but the right tools in the classroom to unlock the creative spark could make all the difference, and that’s where Petia Maximova and Canva come in…

Petia is bringing Canva to Higher Education in a way that promises to unlock the innate creativity in all of us - she joins us on EdTech Unwrapped to share how it’ll change education for future generations.

“I think, given the right tools and the right environment, anyone can be creative. I just think that it's something that we have innate, and certain environments and tools can bring that to the forefront.” - 5:40 - Petia Maximova

This episode covers

  • Whether creativity is innate or can be taught and nurtured
  • The positive impact that Canva has had on the schools and universities its affected so far
  • The value of Higher Education being in the quality of the broader skills you learn




  • born
  • canva
  • canvas
  • catalyst
  • classroom
  • creative
  • creativity
  • education
  • higher
  • Higher Education
  • innate
  • maximova
  • petia
  • right
  • s
  • s1e6
  • student
  • taught
  • think
  • tools
  • unlock
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