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Bett 2024 Agenda


See the future of U.S. EdTech: Content, platforms, and ecosystems

25 Jan 2024
Global Futures
Bringing your K-12 curriculum offering to the US market is about more than simply showing up. It's about showing that you can meet all of the expectations that school leaders have for new solutions. That includes knowing how we think about security, privacy, accessibility, and interoperability. It also means addressing academic standards relevant to each grade, subject, and state. Learn from the experts who have helped hundreds of providers navigate the US education landscape. We will show precisely what companies need when it comes to key requirements, including content development, standards and reporting; platform readiness and progress reporting; automated Single Sign-On (SSO), account provisioning, and rostering. This is the 'how-to' that education companies need if they want to succeed in the US.
David Parkinson, CEO - Content2Classroom
Kevin J Gray, President - Westchester Education
Patrick Devanney, Senior Vice President Strategy and Partnerships - ClassLink
In collaboration with First Step Advisors
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