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Bett 2024 Agenda


Realising the promise of personalised education through responsible AI

26 Jan 2024
The Arena
Leadership Innovation
Education is at an inflection point: global workforce demands are rapidly evolving at a time when the education system is under strain. Innovation is needed to attract and retain teachers and prepare students for the future. If digital transformation is embraced, modern technologies have the potential to bring incredible opportunity to improve education outcomes. PowerSchool's Chief Product & Innovation Officer Shivani Stumpf will demonstrate the once-in-a-generation opportunity generative AI brings to education when a strong, secure data foundation is established. Hear why bringing AI to data paves the way for a future where innovation and data protection go hand in hand, making personalized education for EVERY student a reality, at scale.
Shivani Stumpf, Chief Product and Innovation Officer - PowerSchool
In collaboration with Powerschool
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