Making digital transformation achievable - critical foundations for success
25 Jan 2024
Ahead - Auditorium
Higher Education
UK universities are facing significant disruption due to the economic crisis and limited resources, along with the lasting impact of the pandemic on staff and student wellbeing. One of the ways the sector is responding to challenges and disruption is by revisiting their digital strategies. The benefits of digital transformation are manifold: a university that uses technology to its maximum potential stands to not only enable a healthy research culture and high-quality teaching and learning experiences, but will also leverage the use of data, improve accessibility, optimise efficiency, bolster cyber-security, protect itself financially, and even reduce its environmental impact.
The path to successful digital transformation is not without challenges. It demands targeted investments, digitally aware leadership, robust and secure infrastructure, engaged stakeholders, uniform data practices, digitally proficient staff and students, and, perhaps most crucially, a cultural shift towards digital adoption.
But fear not: the Jisc framework and maturity model can help support your digital developments. Jisc is the UK digital, data and technology agency focused on tertiary education, research and innovation. In this session, delegates will be asked to consider what challenges they see in their own organisations and how these can be overcome.