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Bett 2024 Agenda


Harnessing AI to build real learning confidence: From hype to reality

25 Jan 2024
Ahead - Sandbox
Innovation , Higher Education
Today's students are often juggling multiple priorities outside the classroom, including work and family commitments, making it harder for them to succeed in their studies. In this sandbox session, Chegg's Chief Academic officer Nina Huntemann will highlight the real challenges students face and how Chegg's learning platform is built meet them where they are, offering accessible, on demand, learning support. Accessible, on-demand personalized learning support can help students thrive. Discover how Chegg is turning genAI hype into reality by creating a personalised learning companion tailormade for education and designed to build student confidence and engagement.
Dr Nina Huntemann, Chief Academic Officer - Chegg
In collaboration with Chegg
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