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Bett 2024 Agenda


Driving learner retention and success with CRM

24 Jan 2024
Ahead - Sandbox
Diversity & Inclusion , Innovation , Higher Education
Do your students feel passed around the campus without resolve? Do you struggle to identify students who need help? Step into the transformative journey of London South Bank University which, when faced with student attrition challenges, harnessed the power of a cloud-based CRM to deliver proactive support to their students. In 2019, driven by student feedback, the institution started redesigning its services leveraging Salesforce. Today, teams are able to understand student needs near real-time thanks to 360-degree views and predictive analytics, provide inclusive support before cases arise and engage with students timely thanks to extensive process automation. Join LSBU to discover how to drive student retention and success with CRM.
Alex Denley, Director of Innovation and Transformation - London South Bank University
Richard Bennion, Lead Solution Engineer - Salesforce
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