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Bett Articles Layout



  • When thinking about the effects of the pandemic upon Higher Education, what has been the outcome?
  • Explore one University’s rigorous approach to selecting a new LMS, which included quizzing global educators, inspecting other universities’ systems and trialling several different options.
  • As a school leader, choosing between the myriad of EdTech products in the marketplace that often make similar claims about their educational impacts, can be both complex and time-consuming. Everyone w ...


  • When thinking about the effects of the pandemic upon Higher Education, what has been the outcome?
  • Explore one University’s rigorous approach to selecting a new LMS, which included quizzing global educators, inspecting other universities’ systems and trialling several different options.
  • As a school leader, choosing between the myriad of EdTech products in the marketplace that often make similar claims about their educational impacts, can be both complex and time-consuming. Everyone w ...

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