Bett UK

21-23 January 2026

Bett Brasil

28 April - 1 May 2025

Bett Asia

1-2 October 2025


Simon Tanner

Simon Tanner

National Director of SEND, E-ACT
United Kingdom

Simon is National Director of SEND for E-ACT who are a national MAT with 38 academies from nursery to sixth form including a specialist school.  With 10 years as an experienced SENDCo and 7 as a MAT leader for SEND, Simon has developed effective SEND practice across multiple MATs and lead on SEND and MAT SEND reviews across the country.  Simon Co-chairs the MAT SEND Leaders group which he established with Dr Nicola Crossly (Liberty Trust).  The group currently have over 175 MAT leaders of SEND and collaborate with Whole Education.  Simon regularly presents at National conferences, is a member for Liberty Academy, sits on an advisory board for ELKLAN speech and language training provider as well as a member of the Curriculum and Assessment Quality committee / Student Advisory Group for AQA.


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