Bett UK

21-23 January 2026

Bett Brasil

28 April - 1 May 2025

Bett Asia

1-2 October 2025


Bart Verswijvel

Bart Verswijvel

Senior Pedagogical Adviser, Lernacon
Bart Verswijvel is an independent Belgian educator and expert trainer who works as a Senior Pedagogical Adviser for European Schoolnet in Brussels. He is the pedagogical lead of the Future Classroom Lab, and he is active in a range of European funded projects. He also coordinates the EUN network of Future Classroom ambassadors. As a private education consultant with his company Lernacon, he facilitates professional development for organisations and teachers. Bart designs and delivers online and on-site courses and workshops. He works as a course leader at the Future Classroom Lab but also for communities like eTwinning, Epale and on demand for schools and institutes in Europe and the Middle East. Bart is an international keynote speaker and a host of Twitter chats, hackathons, webinars and Teachmeets. He is an expert at the National Agencies of Belgium and the Netherlands. Bart's power is to spread the joy of learning. Store your knowledge in friends, is his favourite quote.

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