Ágnes Csipke
Educational Team Lead,
Ágnes Csipke is the Educational Team Lead at Redmenta. Her firsthand experiences as a student in online education inspired her to pursue a degree in digital pedagogy at Eotvos Lorand University. Her research project focused on the practical use of educational technologies in the classroom, including the digital competencies of teachers. Currently, she is working on her master's thesis, researching AI literacy and its role in education. Ágnes has held numerous workshops and presented at various conferences, showcasing how educators can effectively integrate technology into their work. Her mission is to ensure that technology becomes a bridge, not a barrier, transforming classrooms into spaces where teachers feel confident, supported, and inspired to unleash their full potential.
22-Jan-2025Tech User LabsPersonalised learning made easy: Create, evaluate and adapt with Redmenta