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22-24 January 2025

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4-5 October 2023

Solution Providers

DOHE Europe

Hall: Bett Hall Stand: SM50
  • | Learning and Teaching Technology

Our Mission

Championing EdTech startups to improve society. 


3 key challenges to accomplish our mission  

Go-Together: EdTech Accelerator Programme    

The primary goal of this programme is to derive several key objectives that each startup can achieve during the  acceleration period, based on their mission, business model, and capabilities. With the guidance and support of experienced coaches and experts, the starups will collaborate to achieve their objective. 

NavigatorAn Accelerator Methodology 

We will develop and enhance 'Navigator', a methodology that is based on experiences to reach the highest standard in startup development​

EdTech Hub/ EdTech Centre :The EdTech Eco System  

We will create an online and an offline platform where the various players of the EdTech Start-up Industry can cooperate and collaborate- building an ecosystem that creates synergy among the players around the world  






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