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Solution Providers

BBC Education

Hall: Bett Hall Stand: SS71
  • | Learning and Teaching Technology

BBC Bitesize offers educationally approved, curriculum relevant self-study and home-learning to 4-16 year-olds.

There’s thousands of pages of engaging online content which includes: a suite of immersive games; new reception resources; interactive KS3 activities; new adaptive quizzes, revision podcasts, and video-rich self-study modules for GCSE; and a careers and support section.

Alongside BBC Bitesize is BBC Teach, home to all teacher-facing content and gateway to the best BBC content for the classroom – including new Live Lessons; and Newsround has news for primary learners online, on TikTok and via a daily bulletin.

Colleagues from BBC Studios Learning, our global commercial partners, will also be on the stand. 

BBC Studios Learning pioneers a digital reality, enhancing textbooks and programs with digital media for optimal learning. Our award-winning library spans factual documentaries, children’s entertainment, literary adaptations, arts & sciences, history & economics, world languages, and real-world learning across ages and disciplines.


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