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22-24 January 2025

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4-5 October 2023

Solution Providers

Asus Global Pte. Ltd

Hall: Bett Hall Stand: NK11
  • | Equipment & Hardware

Upgrade Education to Incredible

Technology has transformed modern classworroms. Teachers, parents and students demand innovative solutions for uninterrupted, safe and secure learning - and ASUS has led from the front. Today's education technology must adapt to teaching that occurs onsite, remotely or as part of a hybrid approach. As a global technology trailblazer, ASUS is committed to providing high-quality solutions that serve the needs of tomorrow's leaders and educators.

We're a trusted and reliable learning partner, and a powerful ally for understanding and embracing all aspects of esports as career choice. In short, ASUS enables educators, students and school partners to upgrade to incredible teaching and learning possibilities by providing  comprehensive student centred solutions - ready to empower academic success.


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