Gamification and game-based learning: Transforming education for the digital age
Integrating gamification and game-based learning into secondary and further education classrooms is becoming a powerful tool to engage students and enhance their learning experiences. This panel discussion, moderated by Andy Miah from the University of Salford, explores how these innovative strategies can be applied to create immersive and interactive learning environments.
By leveraging game mechanics such as rewards, points, and competition, educators can foster greater motivation, participation, and collaboration among students. Game-based learning, on the other hand, provides an opportunity to simulate real-world scenarios, enabling students to solve complex problems in a fun and interactive manner, thus improving retention and critical thinking skills.
The session will focus on the core benefits of gamification and game-based learning, highlighting their potential to improve both student engagement and academic performance. Gamification is proven to increase student motivation by introducing a sense of challenge and achievement that resonates with today’s digitally-native learners. Additionally, game-based learning offers an experiential approach where students actively participate in their learning process rather than passively absorbing information.