Bett UK

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Bett UK 2025 Agenda


Education in the US: What happens next?

24 Jan 2025
Innovation Theatre
Leadership Innovation

With US education facing unprecedented change, leaders from across the spectrum will discuss challenges, opportunities and what happens next.

Long considered a global leader in EdTech innovation, the US education space is facing a variety of unprecedented challenges and unknowns. From a massive shift in funding to the potential for fundamental shifts in policy, structure and priorities, understanding what happens next will be key to determining what education stakeholders should do right now. Innovators from across the education and EdTech arenas, including platform providers, go-to-market experts and global finance, will provide keen insight on what today’s education community is facing, how it must change and why what happens next in the US will have implications for everyone around the world.

Jim McVety, Managing Partner & Executive Producer - First Step Advisors & USA EdTech
Johanna Wetmore, Chief Vision Officer and Co-Founder - Content 2 Classroom
Patrick Devanney, Senior Vice President, Strategy & Partnerships - ClassLink
Russell Long, CEO - Authentica Solutions

In collaboration with USA EdTech


Primary,Secondary,K12,Further Education,Higher Education,Lifelong Learning,Early Years,All Sectors
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