Bett UK

22-24 January 2025

Bett Brasil

28 April - 1 May 2025

Bett Asia

4-5 October 2023


David Briggs

David Briggs

Director, Discovery Schools Trust
United Kingdom
My name is David Briggs, I am Director of Primary for Discovery Schools Trust. I trained as a Primary Teacher at Northampton University. I have been fortunate to work for most of my career in Church Schools. Prior to becoming head teacher at Kibworth C of E Primary School. A large three form entry school in Leicestershire, I was head of a one form entry church school in Clifton Upon Dunsmore near Rugby. During my time as head teacher, I become a National Leader for Education and a SIAMs inspector for Coventry Diocese. I have a passion for leadership and enjoy facilitating on NPQH for Inspiring Leaders. My interests focus on Teaching and Learning, in particular creativity within the curriculum and the use of technology. I currently work as Director of Primary for Discovery Schools Trust and lead the development of fifteen primary schools. I am extremely proud of our schools' achievements and in particular how they have embraced the use of technology to ensure all children have access to the technology that will help equip them with the skills that a 21st Century learner needs. Eleven of our primary schools are Microsoft Showcase Schools, teachers and support staff within Discovery embrace the use of the Microsoft accelerator tools and are extremely keen to develop their own practice. The use of technology within the classroom is developing rapidly, tools evolve and develop at a pace which at times is hard to keep up with. We are particularly excited to begin thinking around the use of AI within the classroom along with using technology and the Microsoft accelerator tools to ensure learning is truly personalised for individuals and decisions are made using valid and insightful data.

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